Responds to Picking the Right Media for a Story

22 Sep

Picking the Right Media for a Story


In Picking the Right Media, for a Story Paul Grabowicz explains different types of media that help tell a story from different vanish points, and helps get emotions across differently.

Audio helps with giving you a feel of your story and helps creates an emotional attachment to it.

Text can put more detail in the story and is the fastest way one can deliver news.

Photos helps take you to where the story is happening and gives you a better sense of what the story is like but is more intimate than video.

Video helps take you to where the story is happening and gives you a better sense of what the story is like using moving picture and audio.

I think each of these tools help make the story more lively because sometimes depending on the writer stories can be really boring to the reader. Each of these methods helps give people a different avenue to take in the information. Some people can really connect with a photo and read deeper in to it, while others need a video to get the best of audio and moving photos to wrap their heads around an idea.

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